Keyboard wired vs. wireless, which is better?

March 15, 2022

Keyboard wired vs. wireless, which is better?

As technology progresses, we are blessed with numerous options to choose from. Keyboard, one of the most important peripherals, comes in both wired and wireless technology. Picking the right one for your daily typing needs can be difficult. Here, we compare wired and wireless keyboards, highlighting the pros and cons of each technology.

Wired Keyboards

A wired keyboard is essential, no batteries, no lags, no signal drops, so what else could you wish for? Wired keyboards are commonly used for gaming or heavy office work since they provide a consistent typing experience.

Pros of Wired Keyboards

  • No battery dying issue: A wired keyboard draws power from the computer which leaves no room for battery dying issues.
  • More responsive: With a direct wired connection, wired keyboards are more responsive compared to wireless ones.
  • Reliable: There are few dropouts in signals, no lags, or connectivity issues with a wired connection. Hence, they are considered reliable for typing and gaming.

Cons of Wired Keyboards

  • Awkward setup: The setup of a wired keyboard can become a pain if your computer setup requires it to be farther from the computer.
  • Limited mobility and flexibility: A wired keyboard lacks the freedom of movement and can limit you to a specific range.
  • No convenience: A wired keyboard is a direct, physical attachment to the computer, making it more difficult to maneuver.

Wireless Keyboards

Wireless keyboards are a preferred choice for many casual users, especially those who have to move around and work from different locations. These keyboards offer the convenience of movement, making typing a comfortable and cord-free experience.

Pros of Wireless Keyboards

  • Convenience of movement: The number one advantage of wireless technology is that you can use it comfortably from anywhere within the range.
  • Comfortable typing experience: Without wires, you don't have to worry about adjusting to specific positions to make the wires reach.
  • Minimal noise interruption: With the lack of cords comes a quiet and peaceful typing experience.

Cons of Wireless Keyboards

  • Connectivity issues: With wireless keyboards, connectivity becomes an issue, and sometimes the signal may drop or lag.
  • Battery life: You have to keep an eye on the battery life because wireless keyboards need regular charging to keep them working consistently.
  • More expensive: With extra technologies like Bluetooth and rechargeable batteries, wireless keyboards tend to be more expensive than wired ones.


When choosing between wired and wireless keyboards, it is essential to know what your needs are. Wired keyboards are best for those who need a consistent typing experience, have less flexibility in their workspace, and don’t want to worry about battery life. On the other hand, wireless keyboards are best for those who need more mobility in their workspace, enjoy cord-free typing, and don’t mind the extra cost.


  1. "Wired vs. Wireless Keyboards – Which Is Right for You?". Make Tech Easier. 2022.

  1. "Wired vs. Wireless Keyboards: What's the Difference?". Business News Daily. 2022.

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